Happy Monday, BWRC! We would like to announce that Tim McDonald will be our new Director of Sponsorship as Joe Carey has stepped down from the position to focus on his family and newborn son; Joe will continue to be a valuable member of the BWRC family. Tim has been leading our Couch to 5K Program and is a great addition to the BWRC board. We asked Tim to be our Member Spotlight Monday for this week so you can get to know our newest board member!

Q: How long have you been a runner?

Tim: I ran when I was in Junior High and High School then took a 22 year break.

Q: Why did you start running?

Tim: I started running again in 2010 I was 38 years old smoking 2 packs a day eating takeout 7 nights a week and 30 lbs overweight. At my height 30 extra pounds is NOT a good look. I received a call that my High School coach had passed away so I went to his wake, When I arrived I saw so many of my old teammates and they were all in such great shape. I could feel them looking me up and down. Seeing the pack of cigarettes in my shirt pocket. I decided that day that in 3 months on my birthday I would quit smoking. My birthday came and I kept my promise to myself. I put them down and have never picked one up since.

Three months later I decided that I needed to get myself into shape so that I could live another 40 years. I started with the very plan I am coaching today, the C25K. It was the most difficult thing I had done athletically in over 2 decades. I worked my tail off and ran my 1st 5K in April 2010. Then I ran a few more 5K’s…then I ran a 10K in Oct…then a Half in November. Then in 2011 I decided to run my 1st  Chicago Marathon to honor my sister battling cancer. If she could go through chemo I could run 26.2..

People say that one decision can change your life… mine was when I started back running.  I was training for my 1st marathon in 2011 and ran into my future wife at Xsport.  If I hadn’t found running again, I wouldn’t have found my wife because there would be NO WAY I would have been in a  gym. We were H.S friends (full disclosure I chased her around as a freshman) and hadn’t seen each other in 24 years. I looked her up on Facebook and asked her out for a drink which turned into dinner at Jameson’s. The rest is history as we have now been together for over 7 years. It’s amazing how life works. Makes me wonder whose life will change for good in the current C25K group. I already see new friendships growing.

Q: How did you find BWRC?

Tim: I decided last year for my 7th marathon that I wanted to join CARA. I walked up for the 1st  group run and felt like it was the 1st day of school again. I didn’t know ANYONE. I was so nervous. Believe it or not the 1st run I actually didn’t even say much more than a few words. By the 2nd time I was there I had started running with John Wall, Richard, Amanda as my group leaders. The 9 min pace group was awesome. They made me feel welcome and they realized about mile two of week two that their ears would be hurting for 16 more weeks. After training BWRC broke off and I joined them on their weekly runs.

Q: Why did you join BWRC?

Tim: I joined to be part of a group that truly cares as well as caters to runners of all ages, shapes, sizes, abilities and paces. I cannot wait to see my C25K team graduate and see them grow.

Q: Why do you run?

Tim: I run to live and I live to run. It makes me happy. I always tell my wife that on my run “ I solve all the world’s problems” there is nothing better than zoning out and just enjoying the sights and sounds. Clears my mind.

Q: Do you have any upcoming races or goals we should know about?

Tim: I will be running Nashville Rock N Roll Half next weekend and the Chicago Marathon in Oct. It will be my 8th after I said that I would never do another one when I crossed the line in 2011. I think I have said it at least three other times as well. My goal is to get as many people on the C25K team to the starting line and watch them complete the 5K. I remember what it felt like to finish that 1st one in 2010. I was on top of the world. They need to feel that sense of accomplishment

Q: What does BWRC mean to you?


Tim: It’s truly a family and I am proud to be a part of it.


Happy Monday, BWRC! This week’s Member Spotlight Monday is Judi Miko. Get to know Judi and her journey as a runner by reading her answers to our questions below!

Q: How long have you been a runner?

Judi: I started running in 1999 so I have been running for almost 20 years. I have to admit that the first year or so of “running”  was more walk run and learning how to run. Back then most people still called it jogging.

Q: Why did you start running?

Judi: I have always been fairly active and enjoyed swimming, bike riding. I rode my bike, cross country skied, down hill ski, roller blading. Shortly after moving to the Chicago area I saw an ad for a triathlon. I swam, I biked so how hard is it really to run a 10k?  Well I found out the hard way – I don’t know how but I managed to somehow push my way through all six miles and I wasn’t dead last ( close though). After that experience I was challenged and I really liked the swimming and biking portions so I figured I needed to learn how to run. It took a really long time to get to being able to for 40 minutes without stopping and I was not liking it much at all. A friend had started running and told me to come run with her and this group of runners. But they ran on Saturdays at 7 AM! What crazy person gets up that early? I did the same triathlon the 2nd time and while my run was not stellar I did fairly well. So well that my husband and my friend convinced me that I should do a half marathon 8 weeks later! I enjoyed that first half marathon and that fall I started joining my friend and her running group. They were all talking about running marathons, the Chicago Marathon and some of them were even running 50K and 50 mile races. I thought they were all a bit crazy. If you spend enough time around these crazy people you get crazy too. I was running to keep my friend company as she trained for the Chicago Marathon. I thought that was a pretty incredible goal to train to run that far. By August, she decided I was ready and signed me up to run my first marathon in 2000, now I was committed; back then you could wait until August to sign up! I was now officially a runner and hooked on running. I contemplated trying to run a marathon in every state. I knew of some people that were starting to do that. I even quit smoking sometime after my 3rd or 4th marathon. I made it to 6 states and 16 or so marathons before injuries, age and work obligations made me step back and stick to the shorter distances.

Q: How did you find BWRC and why did you join?

Judi: After starting to run, I joined a local running club and through the years have belonged to several and was quite active in two  of the clubs. Times change and people grow older, even runners, and I found myself shopping around for new groups to run with. I enjoy short solo runs but I was missing the company of running buddies on the longer runs. Many of the runners I used to run with  have either moved away or could no longer run anymore. With the onset of modern high tech devices new running groups were popping up everywhere. I checked a few of them out. Many of them were really fast and I found I was running by myself, or there were people who ran my pace but were only going to run 3 miles. During this journey, I had met Mary Radloff Klabacha, Christine Moss, Tina Riess – we heard about this new group that was running in Busse Woods. Hey! I was running in Busse Woods. We decided we would check them out! I was hooked! I found a home. I found a great group of people who were just as crazy as I was about running. There was always someone to run with during rain, snow and below zero wind chills.

Q: Why do you run?

Judi: I run mostly to keep in shape for triathloning – well, mostly. I run because it makes me feel good and I can justify that brownie or extra beer or two or three.

Q: Do you have any upcoming races or goals we should know about?

Judi: I always say that I do not “race” but somehow I seem to have a lot of events through the summer. I tried to back off on the number of events but somehow the calendar seems to have filled up again. I will be doing the Frontier Days Stampede 10K and in August I will doing the Great River Ragnar as part of a 6 person Ultra team, and I will be doing the day of the Dead Elimination run in October, 17 mi . I also am signed up for 2 5K swims, 2 triathlons, and, oh I have a 2-day MS bike ride of 175 miles.

Q: What does BWRC mean to you?

Judi: I am so happy to have found BWRC! It means that I will always have someone to run with. This is a great group. Everyone is so supportive of each other. It does not matter if you are a speed demon, or a back of the pack runner, everyone is there to support you and help you to celebrate your personal achievements. I feel like I have a large family. It is nice to have runners of all skill levels gathering together. I like that the club is striving to help people get started in running and to keep them running. It is awesome being part of group that has so many experienced runners that are willing to take their time to help less experienced runners grow and improve their running skills. Thanks to this group I am running more again. I look forward to all of activities planned for this summer. I look forward  to hearing about the journey some will make towards their first marathon. I look forward to being challenged and encouraged to improve myself as well.



Happy Monday, BWRC! This week’s Member Spotlight Monday is Richard Thomas. Richard competes in many races throughout the year including most recently placing second in his age group at the Wisconsin Half Marathon in Kenosha! Richard found running after becoming bored with walking for exercise and hasn’t looked back since! Get to know Richard more in his answers to our questions below:

Q: How long have you been a runner?

Richard: I started running sometime in the summer or fall of 2010 as a continuation of my weight loss agenda. I had started out just walking, doing 10k steps a day.

Q: Why did you start running?

Richard: Although I have always been physically active and thought I was in decent shape for my age, during a routine annual physical when I was 63, I discovered I had high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and at 160 pounds on a 5 foot frame, I was considered obese. I had picked up some bad eating habits after quitting a 2 pack a day cigarette habit, and apparently those sweets and junk food had caught up to me. Obese!!? I’m already short, old, hard of hearing, missing half my teeth and have questionable social skills, I don’t need to add obesity to the mess.

The change in eating habits was actually not that hard. I simply stopped eating crap and with bossdears help, and her being a skilled and creative cook, we both started healthy eating. And with a few minutes on Google, I found that one of the best physical activities for weight loss was simply walking. So, I walked. And walked, and walked and walked, and bought a pedometer and walked some more, 10,000 steps a day. Every single day. If I needed some steps to meet my daily goal, I would take a walk around the block at 10pm. Or do laps around the living room. Or march in place in front of the tv. I was driving bossdear nuts. But. It worked. At my next physical, my blood pressure was normal and my cholesterol numbers were all good. And I had walked from 160 to 128 pounds. But, having met my original goals, I was quite frankly getting really bored with walking. I wanted to maintain my 10k steps per day goal, but, I figured if I started running, I could get it done faster.

So, bottom line, I started running because I was bored.

Q: How did you find BWRC?

Richard: Someone from another running group mentioned BWRC on Facebook. I think there was also a photo with someone wearing a green BWRC shirt.

Q: Why did you join BWRC?

Richard: I have been running in Busse Woods almost from the start. And I was always on the lookout for local running clubs or groups. I heard about AMP’D via Runners High and Tri and quickly joined up with them. Then I saw the mention in Facebook about BWRC and it sounded like a good fit, so joined up. I also run with HIP and the Deer Grove Trail Runners on occasion. You can’t have too many running groups but believe it or not, I really enjoy running mostly by myself.

Q: Why do you run?

Richard: I run for fitness, for stress relief, for solitude, to challenge myself. Also for wine and donuts.

Q: Do you have any upcoming races or goals we should know about?

Richard: I’ll be running the Got2Run 8K in Arlington Heights on the 19th of May. I’ll be running with co-workers in the JP Morgan Corporate Challenge on May 24. I’m running the half marathon/5k challenge in Sioux Falls South Dakota in September. I’m still trying to decide about running the Des Moines Marathon. One of my goals is to break 5 hours in the marathon.

Q: What does BWRC mean to you?

Richard: I’m not a very social person, so BWRC helps get me out of my comfort zone. Because, let’s face it, BWRC is VERY social. I’ve never seen such an active group. There is always something going on. Sometimes I get exhausted just reading over the upcoming events list.



Q: How long have you been a runner?

Roma: Let me qualify the question, as a runner who signs up for races since 2010.  I signed for a 10K in 2010 with no experience in training for a race.  I was supposed to run it with a colleague from work, who chickened out a couple of months before the race.  I didn’t want to back off hence trained on my own, believe it or not, I used to run around a 400 mt track and count the laps to ensure I ran 10K every couple of days a week.  That’s how inexperienced I was!  And I can’t even begin to tell you how I felt when I lost count!  Didn’t have a Garmin watch either, those were good times!

Q: Why did you start running?

Roma: My in-laws were visiting one year when I lived in Dubai, my ex father-in-law (who is an avid runner) told me about a group of runners he ran into on one of his morning runs.  This group ran the perimeter of a Park close to where we resided.  The group of runners met twice a week and each runner jotted down a time they would complete a full loop around the park in, think it was about 2 miles or so.  And the person who came closest to their stipulated time would win a bottle of wine.  I was sitting up by the time he finished his sentence.  That was a bit of useless trivia…but the long and short of it is I started running to drink wine and of course it was my best stress buster!

Q: How did you find BWRC?

Roma: My very dear friends (who I met through a run group) Christine and Tina told me about Jim and Amanda and how amazing their group was, asked me to show up for one of their group runs.  Rest is history!

Q: Why did you join BWRC?

Roma: Why wouldn’t one join BWRC!  This is an amazing group of people who motivate you every time you show up.  They are all passionate about running and I love the philosophy, no one gets left behind!

Q: Why do you run?

Roma: Running helps me to stay healthy, clear my mind and refocus my attention on important things in life.

Q: Do you have any upcoming races or goals we should know about?

Roma: I am signed up to do Soldier Field 10 miler.

Q: What does BWRC mean to you?

Roma: You mean my running family?  That’s what BWRC means to me.  I have met wonderful people like Laurie, Rick, Amanda T, Jim, Amanda, Lauren, Emily, Peggy, Mary, Judith, Katherine, John and his wonderful daughter Jess…the list is endless.  All I want to do is run and BWRC helps me accomplish that.



Happy Monday, BWRC! This week’s Member Spotlight Monday is Erika Hansen. Erika is one of BWRC’s coaches for the Couch to 5K Program; read the post below to learn more about Erika and why she enjoys running and BWRC!

Q: How long have you been a runner?

Erika: I started running about 9 years ago and started taking it more seriously within the last few years.

Q: Why did you start running?

Erika: I originally just started for fitness, but soon became a runner for stress relief and then fun!

Q: How did you find BWRC?

Erika: I found BWRC last summer, when I began training for my first Chicago Marathon.

Q: Why did you join BWRC?

Erika: Training for the marathon was a great introduction to the club and its’ members. It’s so great to have a group of people organizing runs and workouts for you to keep you motivated. I also really love meeting new people and making new friends, and BWRC is a perfect opportunity for that.

Q: Why do you run?

Erika: My primary reason for running is health–both physical and mental. I also run to challenge myself and accomplish new goals; it’s pretty fun to watch yourself progress and do things you didn’t think that you could.

Q: Do you have any upcoming races or goals we should know about?

Erika: I’ll be running the North Shore Half Marathon in June, and I do intend to run a sub 30 5K one of these days! Oh, and I’m getting married in May…that’s a pretty big goal, too!

Q: What does BWRC mean to you?

Erika: To me, BWRC means an amazing opportunity to run with people of all abilities who love it, just like you do, and that’s really inspirational. All of the members are so welcoming!



Happy Monday, BWRC! This week’s Member Spotlight Monday is Joey Jao. Joey talks about the role running played for him in choosing to live a healthier life and how BWRC helped him in training for his first marathon last fall. Continue reading below for his answers to our questions!

Q: How long have you been a runner?

Joey: I have been running for 9 years.

Q: Why did you start running?

Joey: All of my friends and family around my age were having children. I absolutely loved having them around, but I was at my heaviest in 2008, and it was sometimes difficult for me to keep up with them. My dad passed away when I was in high school so I always just assumed that I would have the same fate as him. As I saw these kids growing up, it dawned on me that I could make changes and live a longer, healthier life.  I started exercising and eating better, and lost 50lbs in a year. After that year I felt like I needed to find the next thing.  That next thing was running.

Q: How did you find BWRC?

Joey: Last year, I signed up for the 2017 Chicago Marathon, and I needed somewhere to train. I saw that there was a running group in Schaumburg which is close to where I live so I started showing up and fell in love with the group.

Q: Why did you join BWRC?

Joey: I originally joined BWRC because I needed someone to keep me accountable with my training. I keep coming back because the group is so welcoming to everyone, regardless of experience or pace, and I want to be a part of that.

Q: Why do you run?

Joey: Running gives me a break from the world and time to be completely in the moment and sometimes lost in my thoughts. Between work, school, marriage, and caring for a child with special needs, it is easy to just skip taking care of yourself.  There will always be things that need to be taken care of, but running gives me a quick escape to take care of myself, not only physically but mentally as well.

Q: Do you have any upcoming races or goals we should know about?

Joey: I don’t have any races lined up this year. My goals are to have sub-30min 5K and a sub 5hr marathon.

Q: What does BWRC mean to you?

Joey: Even though I have only been running with BWRC for less than a year, it represents good friendship. You know how you have those friends who you might not see for years, and then you finally see them, and nothing has changed between you? You reminisce about the time you were chased by skunks or that time you broke out in a full out dance party in the middle of the forest preserve (both of those happened to me last year with BWRC). You pick up exactly where you left off. No eye rolls or judgement, just pure happiness and excitement to see each other. That’s how I feel whenever I meet up for a run with BWRC.



Happy Monday, BWRC! This week’s Member Spotlight Monday is Simone Reuther. Simone and her husband Tobi moved to the Chicago area this past summer where she literally “ran” into BWRC members in Busse Woods and the rest is history! Read on below to learn more about Simone’s journey with running and why she loves BWRC!

Q: How long have you been a runner?

Simone: I’ve been running for more than 15 years.

Q: Why did you start running?

Simone: I started running during my high school exams to clear my head after some long days of studying. My roommate during college was a runner and we started training together with another friend. The two guys were always faster than me and this pushed me lot. All of us were in Physical Therapy school at the time and we started to try out the different training principles we learned on ourselves. Experimenting with different types of training was a lot of fun. One day, my two running partners convinced me to run a half-marathon with them. Ever since I was hooked.

Q: How did you find BWRC?

Simone: I literally ran into the group during a run in Busse Woods. We had just moved to the area and I was looking for a new running group. Our landlord Moira had told me about the group of wonderful people she was running with. And coincidently, I met exactly this one group out in the woods. I am convinced it was meant to be this way.

Q: Why did you join BWRC?

Simone: From the first moment on, I felt drawn to this friendly, welcoming and fun group of people. Everyone is very supportive and an inspiration to become a better runner and person.

Q: Why do you run?

Simone: I run because running makes me feel good, puts me in a good mood, clears my head, reliefs stress and helps me deal with emotions. Sometimes when I am angry my husband Tobi tells me: You really should go for a run… And indeed, it helps. When I come back, I always feel better.

Q: Do you have any upcoming races or goals we should know about?

Simone: I will run the Half Marathon in Carmel. Other than that, I don’t have any races planned for this year, yet. I am not very competitive and enjoy the training process at least as much as I enjoy running races.

Q: What does BWRC mean to you?

Simone: I am so grateful I found BWRC. I was looking to meet new people and have found way more than that – I’ve made great new friends. I look forward to every run with the group and the wonderful, funny and sometimes deep conversations we have during our runs.



Happy Monday, Runners! This week’s Member Spotlight Monday is Richard Ridlington! Read below to learn more about Richard’s journey with running and BWRC (with his signature comedic twist, of course!).

Q: How long have you been a runner?

Richard: I started running early in my life, I had an older brother who, as soon as he finished eating all his candy, came after mine…I’d PR almost every week.

Q: Why did you start running?

Richard: I was in my early 40’s and having a mid life crisis, it was my third of the week and it was only Tuesday morning, something had to be done. I couldn’t afford a fancy sports car, I toyed with the idea of climbing mount Everest naked and then I thought I could combine the two… Running ! It combines the thrill, excitement and glamour of fancy sports cars and you get to freeze your %^$#& off wearing an atom thick layer of Spandex in the middle of winter. Sign me up!

Q: How did you find BWRC?

Richard: I found the initials BWRC scratched on the wall of the men’s room of a rather seedy establishment I frequent….sounded sordid, adventurous and just a little naughty. Sign me up!

Q: Why did you join BWRC?

Richard: I didn’t know I’d joined, I wasn’t wearing my glasses when Amanda made me sign a piece of paper ….do I get time off for good behavior?

Q: Why do you run?

Richard: Why? If I had a penny for every time I’ve asked myself that question I still wouldn’t be rich enough to pay someone to run for me. I don’t like running, it’s hard work and I tend to smell a bit funky afterwards. I find the best bits of the run are the first step and the the last one, everything in between is a constant battle with the small relentless voice in my head…”It’s OK to stop”…but that’s why this group is SO important. BWRC get’s me out there every week. I think some form of sport or exercise is essential for both body and mind, all I have to do is take a couple of days off and I start to get cranky and lethargic. I may not always enjoy running but I do enjoy that feeling of being able to run. At some point you have to make a choice about actively taking care of yourself and not just going with the flow. I just count myself lucky that I found this great group of people who make it easier for me to follow through with my choice.

Q: Do you have any upcoming races or goals we should know about?

Richard: Goals hmmmmm. I used to have goals and then I’d get mad at myself for not meeting them. Doh! These days I admire those runners who just get out there every week and enjoy themselves. I’m sure they’d be happy if they PR’d but they won’t let a less than stellar time ruin their day. Having said that I will be running Chicago again this year and hoping for cooler weather (pretty please I want my sub 4). I’d like to run a couple of 1/2s before then just to keep the excitement going, and of course there’s always the Schaumburg Turkey trot, burger and beer, at the end of the season.

Q: What does BWRC mean to you?

Richard: The people in BWRC are unique, an eclectic bunch of misfits made stronger by their differences. It’s a bunch of people from all over the map who all seem to share the same mutual respect and who are willing to give each other the room and encouragement  to be the person they are, quirks and all (you all know who I’m talking about). I like them and I always look forward to spending time with them (once we stop running :-)). If you want to see a group of smiling people, come run with BWRC.



Q: How long have you been a runner?

Lauren: Hmm. Tough question! My first “race” was a Santa 5K in 2012. I guess I’ve been running 6 years! I haven’t felt official until recently, thanks to the BWRC! 

Q: Why did you start running?

Lauren: I actually started running to lose weight! I lost 40 pounds thanks to this lovely addiction. I continue to run because I now enjoy it and can’t imagine my life without it! It’s my therapy.

Q: How did you find BWRC?

Lauren: I found BWRC thanks to Joey Jao! I can never thank him enough!! I tell him all the time he changed my life by sharing this group with me.

Q: Why did you join BWRC?

Lauren: I joined BWRC to reach new running goals and meet people who are my kind of crazy! Nobody understands me more than my fellow running buddies!

Q: Why do you run?

Lauren: I run because it makes me a happy and healthier person! Running helps me decompress after a tough day teaching, yet also helps me celebrate the great days. It makes me smile when life can seem overwhelming! Nothing can compare to the positive vibes I feel after a run with my friends! I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face if I tried!

Q: Do you have any upcoming races or goals we should know about?

Lauren: I am running the Carmel Half Marathon on March 31st. All thanks to Richard, I PRed at the Schaumburg Turkey Trot with a 1:58, when my previous goal was a sub 2. Although 3 minutes seems silly, my new goal is 1:55. I’m also running the Chicago Marathon this year. I haven’t set a goal for that yet!

Q: What does BWRC mean to you?

Lauren: BWRC means the world to me. It’s been life-changing! I look forward to every single run. Even when I am tired after a long day, I know I’ll be happy and smiling the second I see everyone at a group run! My favorite day of the week is Saturday because of our long runs in Busse! Our post-run coffee is always a blast and I couldn’t imagine ANY weekend without my running family! Thanks for making me my best self. I seriously love you all more than words!



Happy Monday, Runners! This week’s Member Spotlight Monday is Brian Jung! Read below to learn more about Brian’s journey with running and BWRC!

Q: How long have you been a runner?

Brian: My defining moment as a runner came in 2014 as I struggled through a solo training run after signing up for my first half marathon.  Along the trail, a group of cyclists called out “runner ahead” as they approached.  I looked around to see who they were talking about.  It was me…I was the “runner”!

Q: Why did you start running?

Brian: High school cross country and track had long passed and an annual Turkey Trot 5K had become the extent of my yearly exercise…I needed to get into shape!

Q: How did you find BWRC?

Brian: Soon after catching the running bug, my wife and I registered for our 1st Chicago Marathon in 2015 and signed up to train with CARA (Chicago Area Runners Association) at Busse Woods.  Even though I was slow and out of shape, I was welcomed!  At the time I didn’t know it, but my ‘one-and-done’ marathon would turn out to be only just the beginning!

Q: Why did you join BWRC?

Brian: After taking the winters off between my summer marathons, there was much room for improvement; I was looking to start running year-round with a group of like-minded individuals.  While many in the group had different goals and levels of experience, the common thread that bound us was our passion for running and the joy that we got out of helping each other succeed.

Q: Why do you run?

Brian: What began as an exercise ‘chore’ has evolved into a healthy and rewarding lifestyle.  Running has helped me to lose weight, improve my overall health and focus, provides structure in my day, goals in my life, and through it I have formed long lasting friendships with incredible individuals who I may have otherwise never met! 

Q: Do you have any upcoming races or goals we should know about?

Brian: I am registered for the Carmel Marathon in March, Ragnar (a 200 mile, 12 person relay from Chicago to Madison) in May, the Chicago Marathon for the American Brain Tumor Association’s charity team in memory of my dad in October, and the Tunnel Hill 50 mile ultra marathon, which will be my first, in November!

Q: What does BWRC mean to you?

Brian: BWRC has become like a family to me. There is a feeling of pride in seeing each other work hard and succeed.  I am grateful for the knowledge and experience that I have gained from so many talented members of this club and hope to one day be able to pay it forward and inspire others whether it be as a pacer or simply as proof that you don’t need to be fast and fit to begin your running journey!



Happy Monday, BWRC! Beginning this week we will be featuring a member of our club every Monday for Member Spotlight Monday! Our first spotlight is on Tina Riess. Read below to learn more about Tina’s journey with running and BWRC!

Q: How long have you been a runner?

Tina Riess: 4 years.

Q: Why did you start running?

Tina: Once I ran my first 5k (Schaumburg Turkey Trot) as a random fun event, I became hooked after that.

Q: How did you find BWRC?

Tina: I was directed to BWRC by Christine Moss, she told me about the groups Facebook page and told me I needed to check them out ASAP!

Q: Why did you join?

Tina: The group had everything I was looking for. Support right from the start was the main thing, I was accepted and supported from the get go, even though I am a much slower runner, I was welcomed and not left behind even though I was new and did not know many people. We are all treated the same whether we are slow or fast. There is no competition, bragging or egos. Its friends running together. These were important things I was unable to find elsewhere.

Q: Why do you run?

Tina: I run because it honestly makes me feel good, I get to spend time with my running friends, and helps keep me focused.

Q: Do you have any upcoming races or goals we should know about?

Tina: I have a few upcoming races, one is the Naperville Women’s ½ marathon in April, followed by the Solider Field 10miler in May, my biggest of the year is my first marathon, the Chicago Marathon that is in October, I am running for PAWS charity!

Q: What does BWRC mean to you?

Tina: BWRC has become more then just a run club to me, it has become a major part of my life, has led to some awesome friendships, and some REALLY fun times. BWRC accepted me from day 1 and never made me feel like I did not belong. I honestly look forward to every single BWRC run, every event, and cannot wait to see what the future of BWRC holds!



It was the spring of 2017, just months away from training for my fourth full marathon, and I was
reflecting back on my performance from the 2016 Chicago Marathon. 3:38. Just 3-minutes off of my Boston qualifying time. Don’t get me wrong, I am extremely proud of that time and training myself down from a 4:10 first marathon to a 3:38, but I knew something was missing in my training.

In high school, I was a part of the cross-country and track and field teams and trained with a group of 12 girls day after day. We knew each other’s goals, supported one another, and pushed each other to reach new levels we never dreamed we could reach. It was this team comradery that I was missing in my training after I left high school that I realized I wanted to start seeking out again to help me in my next marathon training cycle.


I was in the midst of a transition period during the summer of 2017 moving from St. Louis to Chicago, but I prioritized finding a club to join to train for the Chicago Marathon with. I came across the CARA group and was attracted to their summer marathon training program in Schaumburg. I signed up and was contacted by Jimmy, one of the site leaders for Schaumburg, who welcomed me to the group and sent me the group meeting schedule. This gave me something to look forward to during a crazy time in my life coordinating a move, living apart from my husband for a few months, and not knowing many runners in the Chicago area.

I remember showing up to my first group run out on the track and immediately being welcomed by the entire group. I was nervous, showing up to meet a group of people I had never met before, but it was in that moment I realized just how amazing this group and the running community was. We welcome each other with open arms, are accepting of runners of all abilities, and encourage people we’ve never even met before. Just a few months later, BWRC was born and I really felt like I belonged to something bigger than myself and my own running goals. Over the course of the summer, I developed so many friendships and even ended up running the Chicago Marathon with another BWRC member, John Wall! While we didn’t achieve our goal that hot, October day, I finished the race feeling like I had still won because I now had 50+ new friends to share this running journey with.

Being a part of BWRC has reinvigorated the passion for running that I have in a way I wasn’t expecting. I didn’t realize just how much I was missing by not training with a team of others who also shared my passion. I have been overwhelmed with the amount of support I have gotten from this club and how much people care about each other’s goals. For me that has been chasing down my BQ time and having so many BWRC members checking in with me to see how things are going and asking how they can help. Not only do I have running buddies now, but I can firmly say I have made friends for life. I truly hope if you’ve been considering joining a running club that you’ll give BWRC a try, and if you do, please don’t hesitate to say hi! I’d love to hear more about your personal journey through running and have you as part of the BWRC family.


For the last few years, a small group of us who had been running together all year round toyed with the idea of giving our group a name. We had already developed an unbreakable bond and thought it would be cool to have our own identity. We insisted on being different than traditional running clubs in that we did not want to charge membership fees for people to run with us. This past August we decided to finally act on our idea.


Our group primarily runs at Busse Woods in Elk Grove Village so we wanted to create something unique that would incorporate this into our name. After exploring options, we voted on Busse Woods Running Club (BWRC) which was the winner by a landslide. After we decided on a name, we started thinking that we should also have a logo to create our “brand”. Busse Woods is well known for its unique elk pasture and from there our logo was born! Flash forward to February and we’re looking into “adopting” an elk…how cool is that??

Over the course of six months, and during the winter months I might add, the group grew tremendously. Runners from all walks of life, various distances and paces began to show up for our Saturday or Sunday weekend runs. Our Facebook group grew from 20 people to over 250 in no time.

It is the welcoming atmosphere and amazing core culture already instilled in this group that makes
anyone and everyone new to the group feel so welcome. We are about establishing and building upon a community of people who want to enjoy life, meet new people who share a common interest, or perhaps grow in some capacity when it comes to running and fitness. Regardless of the end goal, BWRC provides an inclusive atmosphere for all.


We grew so rapidly that we needed to create a structure to protect our culture and club. Quickly and
proudly we incorporated our group as a non for profit organization in the State of IL and gained 501C(3) tax exemption as a charter member of Road Runners Club of America. Although we will always remain a no membership fee club, it does cost money to keep our club active, pay for insurance, to hold events, etc. We rely on fundraisers, donations, and sponsorships to pay those expenses.

We host weekly group runs, fun runs, social gatherings, and participate in several community and
special events throughout the year. Continuing to grow and impacting our community in a positive way are just a couple of the BWRC goals.