Meeting Location: Busse Woods Grove 1 - Entrance on North side of Higgins Road, first entrance West of Arl. Hts. Road.
We've received approval for the Illinois Adopt-A-Highway program and now 'own' the section of Higgins Road between IL 53 and Arlington Heights Road - right through our home course of Busse Woods! There are signs indicating our BWRC name at each end of the stretch of road (how cool).
We commit to remove litter along the highway 4x per year using volunteers in groups up to 15 each. And, each person gets to wear a way-cool safety vest!
What a great way to give back to our community and increase visibility to our fantastic organization along the way.
Safety vests and plastic bags will be supplied. Bring water bottle, gloves, long pants, long sleeves, sturdy shoes/boots, sunglasses, hat sunscreen, bug spray.